Home / News / Ecopack is one of the winners of the 7 th edition of the CONAI competition for ecodesign 2020
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Ecopack is one of the winners of the 7 th edition of the CONAI competition for ecodesign 2020
The environmental sustainability of Ecopack’s packaging and production with a view to circular economy has been rewarded.
The award for environmentally friendly packaging
Now in its seventh edition, in 2020 the “CONAI Competition for the Ecodesign of Packaging in the Circular Economy – Promoting the Environmental Sustainability of Packaging” offered prizes worth 500,000 euros to companies that manufacture and use packaging and have adapted their packaging to make it environmentally sustainable.
Of the 289 projects presented (18% more than last year), 160 were accepted and 92 companies received awards, announced during the “Economy of the future” live event organised by Corriere della Sera.
The 160 participants succeeded in achieving an effective reduction in the environmental impact of their packaging, containing 21% of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, reducing energy consumption by 18% and saving 19% of the water used.
The competition, which rewarded the most innovative and eco-sustainable packaging solutions launched on the market between 2018 and 2019, is promoted by CONAI, the Italian Packaging Consortium, and is sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment.
Ecopack is one of the winners of the Competition, due to the review of its packaging – presented for the competition – with a view to circular economy, leveraging the saving of raw materials used for the production of the finished product.
Since its establishment in 1939, when the company specialised in cake moulds for large-scale industry, attention to eco-sustainability has been one of the cornerstones of Ecopack.
Things have not changed over the years, during which we have branched out into packaging for savoury products, packaging lines for Delivery and moulds of all kinds and sizes, and for a wide range of uses.
Every year we invest our resources in creating moulds that offer excellent technical performance at high and low temperatures (for use in the oven at temperatures of up to 220°C and for freezing), suitable for contact with food, as confirmed by the numerous certifications of our products, and, above all, eco-sustainable, recyclable and environmentally friendly.
A substantial part of our activity consists in experimenting constantly with new materials, such as the Cocoa Paper range.
This is why we are proud to be among the 92 winners of the CONAI eco-design competition, which has been bringing together, promoting and economically rewarding actions to reduce the environmental impact of packaging since 2013, to encourage and spread a culture of environmental sustainability with a view to prevention in companies.